Here, no matter what
We know how hard it can be to tell someone that you have been raped or sexually assaulted. No matter what happened to you, where you were, or who did it – The Bridge can help. We’re here 24/7, 365 days a year.
You may be confused about what has happened, overwhelmed, emotional or numb. You may feel alone, angry, ashamed or frightened – these, and many other thoughts and feelings, are all normal responses to being sexually assaulted or raped.
Call us on 0117 342 6999. We will listen to you and explain the help that is available to you and support you to decide what you want to do next.
If you want to speak to us anonymously that’s fine.
It is important for you to know that if we have your name and contact details we may need to tell the authorities about what has happened because you are under 18. This is so that they can make sure you are now safe and help you if you are not safe.
If we do not have your name and contact details we are unable to pass on information. However, we can still help you to think about your sexual health, emergency contraception, how to get to safety and getting support to help you start to feel better. We can also explain what is likely to happen if you decide to tell the police.